Friday, September 16, 2022

Valley of Latent Potential

You all are doing the very hard work of teaching our learners all about school! 

Please keep fighting the good fight of teaching your students those routines and habits for literally everything (decoding, tying shoes, going to the bathroom, lining up for recess, adding, comprehension, identify context clues, etc., etc., etc.) 

Those routines take time. It is really hard to teach them. It is not simple, nor do we want an easy, fast fix. Right now, you are experiencing the valley of latent potential because it is SO difficult right now to keep teaching those routines when students aren't learning them as quickly as you would like. However, when the routine has been learned over time, the actual result will be even better than what you expected!!!! 

​You got this and I got you! ​Please don't give up. Our most vulnerable learners need YOU! :)