Friday, October 29, 2021

The Backwards Bike of Change

Change is ___. So many people have written about change. I am not going to write about change and how important it is, how hard it is, or even what it is. I am a planner who struggles a whole HECK of a lot with change. I like it at the end, but I can be a bear during, lashing out my frustration and overwhelm. As someone who truly does have a love-hate relationship with change, let me share my top 3 ways to help me deal with it. 

1) Acceptance. 
Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” I have tried so hard to take this quote and refer to it every time I am in the midst of a change and think WHY?!  When I reflect on this, it's true. Nothing is every truly constant or routine. There are always changes, even if they are minor. 

2) Growth. 
I like to watch videos like this to remind myself how frustrating change can be and that's ok. I maybe have the knowledge, but not necessarily the understanding. It takes practice. I also like to know that when I change, no matter how much I like it, I am growing and learning. Even though changing is harder because I have gotten older, I will get it eventually. 

3) Why. 
When I get overwhelmed with the current change flood, I remind myself why I do what I do. I find that this centers me and puts me back on the path of being uncomfortable. I change and grow so that I can be better for those I serve, teachers and students. 

May this encourage you as we journey through change in the field of education like we have never seen, heard of, or experienced. And if you are a teacher of children, we have seen, heard, and experienced a lot! 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Dyslexia Awareness Month-October

One of my ALL time favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou. 

On a deep level, I feel it applies to ALL things, even Dyslexia Awareness Month. Think about it. How many things do you think you know about dyslexia that you believe are facts? Honestly, many of them are misconceptions, and HUGE ones at that! We have to know more about dyslexia so that we can do better for our students. Here are a few resources to help you be more informed and thus do better. 

1) 31 Days of Literacy Learning on Twitter

As a research-based organization committed to improving literacy skills for all learners, AIM is looking forward to sharing information and research in the science of reading from a variety of voices throughout LD Awareness Month and Dyslexia Awareness Month. Our 31 Days of Literacy Learning tweets will feature quotes from literacy experts and researchers supporting literacy. Follow along on Twitter @aimtolearn for quotes from our research partners, AIM faculty and others in the literacy community.

2) Check out some of the resources on this one pager. Just click the image.

3) Join our Dyslexia Learning Crew Google Classroom. 

Let me know how else I can support you in your quest of knowledge!