Friday, October 29, 2021

The Backwards Bike of Change

Change is ___. So many people have written about change. I am not going to write about change and how important it is, how hard it is, or even what it is. I am a planner who struggles a whole HECK of a lot with change. I like it at the end, but I can be a bear during, lashing out my frustration and overwhelm. As someone who truly does have a love-hate relationship with change, let me share my top 3 ways to help me deal with it. 

1) Acceptance. 
Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” I have tried so hard to take this quote and refer to it every time I am in the midst of a change and think WHY?!  When I reflect on this, it's true. Nothing is every truly constant or routine. There are always changes, even if they are minor. 

2) Growth. 
I like to watch videos like this to remind myself how frustrating change can be and that's ok. I maybe have the knowledge, but not necessarily the understanding. It takes practice. I also like to know that when I change, no matter how much I like it, I am growing and learning. Even though changing is harder because I have gotten older, I will get it eventually. 

3) Why. 
When I get overwhelmed with the current change flood, I remind myself why I do what I do. I find that this centers me and puts me back on the path of being uncomfortable. I change and grow so that I can be better for those I serve, teachers and students. 

May this encourage you as we journey through change in the field of education like we have never seen, heard of, or experienced. And if you are a teacher of children, we have seen, heard, and experienced a lot! 

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