Tuesday, September 17, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #20 - Thinking Positive

In my classroom, one of my favorite sayings was, "If you think you can, you will. If you think you can't, you won't." Sometimes you can't do something, but ultimately you can...with time. I think I would change it to, "If you think you can no matter when, you will. If you always think you can't forever, you won't." 

Our minds have SO much power! We sometimes don't give them enough credit. Sometimes, there is a trigger and it generates a thought. Based on that thought, it leaves us feeling a certain kind of way that finally, impacts our actions. This is a great reference article for kids, but I found it extremely helpful. (Technically, it's called Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT for short. Yes, I am a FIRM believer that everyone needs counseling!) 

So, my encouragement to you is to try and change your thoughts as much as possible to something positive. It is WAY easier than it sounds! Trust me! LOL A good scaffold to help us get into the routine is to use a mantra. Here are must a few examples. 

  1. I decide what success for me should look like.
  2. Breathe in love, breathe out hate.
  3. I am me, and that’s enough for today.
  4. I am on my own path, chosen by no one but me.
  5. I choose to focus on solutions.
  6. Day by day, I am learning how to fulfill my purpose in this life.
  7. I am not in control of anything or anyone, only myself.
  8. I have the power to let go of the negative.
  9. I will exhale all that weighs me down.

Need more ideas for mantras, check out this post. And always remember! This is a learning year. Walkthroughs are non-evaluative and are only there to offer support as we grow. 

Sending you good, positive vibes as we navigate this change together! :) 

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