Thursday, July 14, 2022


Some folks think in terms of black and white. There is not gray in their world. I have always appreciated the finite thinking of, "It is this or it is this. There is no in between." My world has ALWAYS seen both sides of the coin. My world has ALWAYS seen gray. My world has always though, "It could be this or this. So much in between." I am not an either/or girl. 

Because of this, my heart and mind struggle immensely against all the controversy in reading currently.  It is not balanced literacy OR science of reading. It is not word walls OR sound walls. It is not kids should only read leveled texts OR kids should never read leveled texts. To be honest, these are just a few of things that are not either/or for me. I could have kept going forever....

My both/and thinking really roared it's head when I listened to this podcast, "A Little Bit of Myth Busting: The Pet Peeves of Reading Experts" by Literacy Talks. 

How about you? Are you either/or or both/and? 

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