Tuesday, June 4, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #9-Planning and WalkThroughs

Change is hard. No matter what. And, there is always a flow in your response to the change.  

While you are gearing up for the change, you might be thinking, "What support will I get to help me navigate this change?"

As a division, we are doing all that we can to help manage the change and are planning to put supports in place for you. Phew! Right? 

VDOE has also provided some great supports for us to use. One of them is the Lesson Planning Cycle. I like to be clear and kind so that you know what to expect next year. 

There will be weekly planning sessions to learn more about the HQIM or curriculum (MyView). You will deliver those lessons to your studnets in your classroom. Non-evaluative walkthroughs will occur often and all year. Finally, feedback will be provided. Finally, while it's not represented in this image, there will be monthly PLC topics to learn more about how our new curriculum is designed with the science of reading. 

There will be training opportunities to learn how to implement our new MyView HQIM starting now, in August, and throughout the year. There will also be opportunities to plan with your school grade level teams on how to implement our new MyView HQIM. Plus, we are working on getting grade levels together mid year to do some collaborative planning. 

Finally, through the lesson planning cycle, walkthroughs, and feedback, coaching will happen just like it always has. We will have three main ways of coaching this year. The first will be more traditional based on the above mentioned cycle and/or training. The second will be more student centered coaching by using MyView's formative assessments or other data. And last, we will also do our best to honor teacher requests for coaching. Maybe you want to see something modeled or need a thinking partner.

The bottom line is, no matter what, we are here to support you through this change. You are not alone! :) 

To read more about the train, coach, plan pillars, click here

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