Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #15 - Why HQIM & SOR?

But before why, let's start with what does HQIM and SOR stand for? 
HQIM = high quality instructional materials
SOR = Science of Reading 

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, "Asking all educators to center their daily instruction in the new instructional materials can be a big change. We must build a common understanding of why this change is necessary with classroom educators, school leaders, and community members. Below are some of the key messages that should be shared with stakeholders to build their understanding of, and investment in, HQIM change." from VDOE Implementation Playbook, page 26

Key Message #1:
HQIM adoption supports our vision and helps us achieve our goals. 

Key Message #2:
 HQIM impacts student learning because it is based on science-based reading research (SBRR).

Key Message #3:

HQIM provides consistency and equal opportunities for learning for EVERY student in EVERY classroom. Adopting a single, coherent curriculum across schools will mean that all students are held to the same expectations and effectively experience the adopted Standards of Learning. 

Key Message #4:

By adopting and using HQIM, teachers will have consistent access to high-quality, grade-level content, and they will no longer spend significant time searching for or creating materials for daily lessons. Instead, teachers can use their new materials to focus on the needs of their students and creating instructional experiences grounded in materials and supports tailored to their needs. 

So...throughout this school year, you will about MyView Literacy by Savvas that is built on the Science of Reading (SOR). Read more about SOR here.


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