Wednesday, July 3, 2024

VALLSS for All K-2, Some 3

PALS is gone and in with the new, VALLSS. Thankfully, it rhymes so we already know how to say it. All students in grades K-2 will be given VALLSS. Students that are new to VA will be given VALLSS in 3rd grade. 

Here are some things to look at, listen to, watch, and read so you are prepared to administer the new screener in the Fall.  

1) Read the Flyer: VLP - Virginia Literacy Partners Informational Flyer (PDF) This will give an overview about the new screener. 

2) Here is an overview video to build background knowledge. 

3) Complete the Tutorial on the website. Once you login, click professional learning and then tutorials. It will take about 3 hours to complete and you have 30 days to do so. You will get a certificate after passing the quiz at the end that you will upload into Frontline. More information about signing up for the course in Frontline will be shared when you return in August. 

4) Finally, check out these resources for families.

In this tutorial, you will see some of these images that I thought were important to share again.

More specific information will be shared in August. If you are like me, have your email open, address one to me, and send me your questions! I will do my best to get them answered for you! 

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