Sunday, September 22, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #21 - Feedforward

Feedback is information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement. Feed forward is Solution-Oriented, Practical, and Actionable. Feed forward helps people envision and focus on creating a positive, future-focused approach to moving ahead rather than concentrating on oversights of the past. We want to hear from you! It is important to name problems. However, there is POWER in naming solutions. Therefore, if there are things that are not working with MyView, please share a solution that can get us moving forward to success. 

Remember, no curriculum will be the SILVER bullet that is perfect. All have some things to improve upon. That's why we need your input! 

Also, there are always things that you may have liked and we are really focused on things you are learning since this is a learning year! Please make sure you share those!!! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #20 - Thinking Positive

In my classroom, one of my favorite sayings was, "If you think you can, you will. If you think you can't, you won't." Sometimes you can't do something, but ultimately you can...with time. I think I would change it to, "If you think you can no matter when, you will. If you always think you can't forever, you won't." 

Our minds have SO much power! We sometimes don't give them enough credit. Sometimes, there is a trigger and it generates a thought. Based on that thought, it leaves us feeling a certain kind of way that finally, impacts our actions. This is a great reference article for kids, but I found it extremely helpful. (Technically, it's called Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT for short. Yes, I am a FIRM believer that everyone needs counseling!) 

So, my encouragement to you is to try and change your thoughts as much as possible to something positive. It is WAY easier than it sounds! Trust me! LOL A good scaffold to help us get into the routine is to use a mantra. Here are must a few examples. 

  1. I decide what success for me should look like.
  2. Breathe in love, breathe out hate.
  3. I am me, and that’s enough for today.
  4. I am on my own path, chosen by no one but me.
  5. I choose to focus on solutions.
  6. Day by day, I am learning how to fulfill my purpose in this life.
  7. I am not in control of anything or anyone, only myself.
  8. I have the power to let go of the negative.
  9. I will exhale all that weighs me down.

Need more ideas for mantras, check out this post. And always remember! This is a learning year. Walkthroughs are non-evaluative and are only there to offer support as we grow. 

Sending you good, positive vibes as we navigate this change together! :) 

Friday, September 6, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #19-Expectations

As we implement new high quality instructional materials, there are lots of questions about what is ok and what's not ok. We are trying to be clear and kind so we created a document to help. (It can be found on the MyView webpage towards the middle.) We will continue to update it as the year goes. Share your wonders to help us be even more clear and kind!!! 

Lots of learning is taking place this year so remember to give yourself lots of grace while you make those mistakes! It will be ok! Remember, all the walk throughs and feedback are non-evaluative. We want to support you and help you implement the HQIM with confidence! 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #18-What to do with the "old" stuff?

Great question! What do you do with all the old stuff we used to use in literacy?! Well, let me tell you a story. When we adopted American Reading Company materials, we went ALL IN. We got rid of a LOT of things that we figured wouldn't be needed. What we learned is that we could have used a lot of those things. 

So...I recommend we keep things like word talk, the grammar progression slides, and other resources JUST in case we need them. Remember, we are taking action and using MyView. However, we are going to have to assess how it is going and if it's not going, then we will have to adjust

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Science-Based Reading Research (SBRR)

Whether you are new to learning about science-based reading instruction or are more experienced with it and have more time, we have an opportunity for you! All that we do this year will be FOCUSED around science-based reading research, or SBRR. 

I recommend that you click here and find this! 

After that, click on Professional Learning Guide and choose pathway A, B, or pick from either or both! 
Spend some time reading, listening, and watching to learn more about the science of reading! Just click around and have fun! 

A video about science-based reading research will also be posted on the website soon. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Lexia Core 5 Intervention Program

 No more Waterford! No more Freckle Reading! 

Instead, we have Lexia Core 5 for grades K-5! This is also what interventionists will be using in their groups for students needing a tier 2 or 3 intervention. 

In order to support intervention, students need to be on the computer program, Lexia Core 5, for about 20 minutes a day. This will also be the tier 2 intervention for students NOT in reading intervention with a teacher. 

Isle of Wight County has access to several professional learning opportunities including asynchronous modules, pre-recorded sessions, and the Virginia Live Online Professional Learning Series. (While it may say Core 5 Grades 3-5, it is for K-2 as well.) These sessions are designed to help teachers, tutors, and parents understand how Lexia can support student literacy development, the materials available to support tutoring sessions, how to navigate the myLexia data platform, and how to successfully implement Lexia programs and resources. Each calendar details the specific sessions offered. I encourage you to learn about Lexia’s Core5 student programs. All the resources you need are linked below!

Lexia Professional Learning Series Flyer (with clickable links to calendars):


We are using Lexia Core 5 because it was approved by VDOE as an intervention program. Other technology programs like Freckle, Dreamscape, Prodigy, and IXL were NOT approved and cannot be used. 

If you are comfortable, start day 1! If you want to learn a bit more, the expectation for use will start on September 30th. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #17- Savvas & Canvas for Grades 3-5

Savvas has an easy integration with Canvas! All content for grades 3-5 can be pushed through Canvas as the Learning Management System to be used on the Chromebooks. All assessments will be in Canvas. 

If you don't want digital, that's ok! You will have access to print and copy student resources as well. 

Here is a site that gives you more information to prepare.

And of course, more information will be coming in August! :) 

Friday, July 5, 2024

ACE Habits

The process of Datawise introduced me to the ACE habits of mind, where the A stands for a shared commitment to Action, Assessment, and Adjustment; C stands for intentional Collaboration; and E stands for relentless focus on Evidence. 

This year, we will take action and implement a new curriculum. We will assess how it is working this year by having a relentless focus on evidence. Through collaboration, we will adjust if needed. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

VALLSS for All K-2, Some 3

PALS is gone and in with the new, VALLSS. Thankfully, it rhymes so we already know how to say it. All students in grades K-2 will be given VALLSS. Students that are new to VA will be given VALLSS in 3rd grade. 

Here are some things to look at, listen to, watch, and read so you are prepared to administer the new screener in the Fall.  

1) Read the Flyer: VLP - Virginia Literacy Partners Informational Flyer (PDF) This will give an overview about the new screener. 

2) Here is an overview video to build background knowledge. 

3) Complete the Tutorial on the website. Once you login, click professional learning and then tutorials. It will take about 3 hours to complete and you have 30 days to do so. You will get a certificate after passing the quiz at the end that you will upload into Frontline. More information about signing up for the course in Frontline will be shared when you return in August. 

4) Finally, check out these resources for families.

In this tutorial, you will see some of these images that I thought were important to share again.

More specific information will be shared in August. If you are like me, have your email open, address one to me, and send me your questions! I will do my best to get them answered for you! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #15 - Why HQIM & SOR?

But before why, let's start with what does HQIM and SOR stand for? 
HQIM = high quality instructional materials
SOR = Science of Reading 

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, "Asking all educators to center their daily instruction in the new instructional materials can be a big change. We must build a common understanding of why this change is necessary with classroom educators, school leaders, and community members. Below are some of the key messages that should be shared with stakeholders to build their understanding of, and investment in, HQIM change." from VDOE Implementation Playbook, page 26

Key Message #1:
HQIM adoption supports our vision and helps us achieve our goals. 

Key Message #2:
 HQIM impacts student learning because it is based on science-based reading research (SBRR).

Key Message #3:

HQIM provides consistency and equal opportunities for learning for EVERY student in EVERY classroom. Adopting a single, coherent curriculum across schools will mean that all students are held to the same expectations and effectively experience the adopted Standards of Learning. 

Key Message #4:

By adopting and using HQIM, teachers will have consistent access to high-quality, grade-level content, and they will no longer spend significant time searching for or creating materials for daily lessons. Instead, teachers can use their new materials to focus on the needs of their students and creating instructional experiences grounded in materials and supports tailored to their needs. 

So...throughout this school year, you will about MyView Literacy by Savvas that is built on the Science of Reading (SOR). Read more about SOR here.


IWCS Literacy Vision and Goals

Implementing MyView Literacy by Savvas will help us achieve our vision! Want to learn more about our goals and how we will monitor them? Read here. 


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Coffee Chats (In-Person or Virtual)

If you have questions or want to talk about ANYTHING related to literacy, books, the VLA, have two options to imbibe and discuss. :) 

1) Come visit me at Cure on the following dates and times. 

July 11 from 9:00-10:30 a.m.

July 15 from 3:00-4:30 p.m.

July 23 from 11:00-12:30 p.m.

2) Jump on a zoom to chat at the following dates and times. 

July 1 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. 

July 18 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. 

July 24 from 8:00-9:00 a.m.

Division Literacy Plan for 24-25 SY

Each division has to submit a literacy plan to VDOE describing our vision, our professional learning plan, what curriculum was chosen, what we will assess, how we will monitor progress, and how we will involve families. Read to find out what was approved by our school board. 

Growth Mindset & Professional Learning Goal


We really do learn from mistakes. I could share countless personal examples, but this time, I will share one from my daughter. I have told her (theory) and from practice (doing it with her) that she needs to wear sunscreen. She made a mistake of not applying it one day. She ended up with 2nd degree sunburns on her face. Guess what she learned? #mistakesmatter 

This is why we have this goal as we embark on our VLA adventure. 

Start now and take our questionnaire

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #14-Rigor

MyView will be rigorous. Our standards expect it, especially with text complexity and making sure all students have access to grade-level text regardless of reading level. 

Now, we don't want our students to feel like the ones pictured above and that the rigor is so HEAVY they won't feel success. That is why we have to come up beside them and provide scaffolds, like a ladder, to help them do some of the lifting until they are strong enough to do it on their own. That doesn't happen overnight, but it has. to. happen for kids to learn. You can't always be the one doing all the rigorous work. 

Here is how curriculum gets "watered down" and isn't as rigorous, paraphrased by yours truly from this recording on curriculum reform. When I say teachers, I may or may not be talking about you. That is for you to decide. I am just stating the facts I learned from this recording. Trust me, there is no judgement as I type these words because they are just as hard for me to face as well. I have been there, done that, and worked harder than my students too many times to count. 

1) Teachers have a belief that the kids "can't do it". Yep, that is harsh. It starts with you. (Anyone else think of Haim G. Ginott right now?!)

2) Because of this belief, teachers start to shift away from the core instruction that is rigorous and do the cognitive lift, or thinking, for the students. Who has ever filled out a graphic organizer "with" the kids and it wasn't the direct instruction time? You would totally see my hand raised! 

3) Over time, this keeps happening and teachers keep simplifying the tasks which lowers the grade level and rigor to where what is being taught isn't aligned to the standards anymore. 

4) The results? Students do not perform well on tests. 

I know this is not what any of us wants. So, over the course of the year, we will learn about those scaffolds and how we can support our students with the heavy lifting and thinking until they can do it on their own. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #13- Teacher Autonomy

One of the many concerns teachers have about adopting a new curriculum is that they feel they will lose their autonomy in what is taught and will become "robots" teaching from a scripted curriculum. How do I know? Because I am that teacher. I fought Reading First and having to use that basal so hard because "my way" was better. Well, I was young and I have learned. Maya Angelou said it best, 

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Boy have I felt this in my bones. Here's what I have learned and will continue to learn: 

1) Autonomy means the quality or state of being self-governing. While there will be a systematic and explicit pacing to follow, which you already do, you are still in charge of what that looks like in your classroom. You will have govern what the lesson looks like in your classroom based on the students in your care. More about this in #5.

2)  I was not explicit in my teaching and sometimes am still not! I learned this after a coaching round at Westside this year. Following a scripted curriculum helps me be explicit which is how kids learn best.

3) "HQIM (high quality instructional materials) Does Not Mean a Loss of Teacher Autonomy". This was taken from the VDOE's VLA Implementation Playbook  on page 25. "Many teachers fear a loss of autonomy when new curriculum is introduced. These fears are understandable for HQIM does require teachers to use their materials to ground all of their daily instructional experiences. That said, teachers will now be able to focus on how to engage their students in that content in the daily HQIM. As teachers become more versed with the daily lesson plans within the HQIM, teachers should be encouraged to think deeply about how to ensure students not only engage fully in that learning, but that students own the learning within the daily lesson." Having a plethora of the quality instructional materials means you get to focus on the delivery (internalizing and adapting) of the lessons rather than creating them. There is no planning and thinking about what to do, you get to plan the HOW. 

4) This section is taken from UFLI Foundation's Teacher's Manual about Implementation Guidance. "Implementation fidelity refers to the degree to which a program is implemented as designed. If the program is not implemented as designed, it may not achieve the intended student outcomes." (page 35) 

When I read this, I think back to countless of situations where we are not getting the student results we have wanted and many times, the company will say, "Well, you haven't been using it the way it was designed." Oh. You're right. 

Here is another quote from UFLI. "Attaining implementation fidelity should not mean that your lessons are stilted or robotic. Quite the contrary! As noted throughout this handbook, brisk lesson pacing and high student engagement are essential elements of every lesson. The key is keeping the lesson fun and supportive of students' needs. The best way to ensure student success is providing as many opportunities to respond as you possibly can during the lesson. Varying those practice opportunities keeps it interesting for studnets but varying it too much can take up valuable instructional time as you explain each new activity. It is fine to put your own stamp on the lesson, to personalize it to fit your teacher style as long as you accomplish the lesson goals." (page 36)

5) In The Broken Logic of "Sold a Story": A Personal Response to "The Science of Reading" by Thomas Newkirk found here (second link), section 11 says it best! "Science and Being Scientific I recently came across a comment from a parent, I've lost the source, but the gist was: even though the Science of Reading programs restricted teacher decision-making, they were firmly based on science. And according to the parent, that was a good trade off. Publishers are lining up with scripted, paced, structured, explicit programs that are advertised as based on the science of reading. There is a paradox here: "science" is viewed as a set of established truths that teachers implement, without being scientific themselves. That is, without the expectation that they monitor the results of their own teaching, and adjust that teaching based on what they see. In these systems they are not acting, or allowed to act, with the agency Tolstoy advocated: "the best method would be the one which would answer best to the difficulties incurred by the pupil, that is not a method but an art and talent." The problem here is that science is viewed as coercive, and producing results so certain, so conclusive that the only ethical position for practitioners is to accept and implement these truths. The issue, we are told, has been settled, the question of best practice answered. Yet the very nature of science is to be unsettled, to restlessly challenge received wisdom, and to constantly test out conventional wisdom in the cauldron of our own experience and professional work." (page 25) 

You must be scientific and not just teach the lesson scripted without paying attention to your own teaching and how the students are learning. You will need to look at the students in your class and figure out how to scaffold the lesson to make sure your students learn it. I go back to what the authors in UFLI said, personalize it to fit you and your studnets AS LONG AS YOU ACCOMPLISH THE LESSON GOALS. 

I know these 5 notes will not change your thinking immediately. I do hope that they have caused you to pause and reflect. That's the start. :) 

If you have strong feelings and beliefs about this topic, please reach out! I would love to chat because I have them, too! 

Helpful Links to Prepare for the VLA

VLP - VALUE Series - Professional development for reading specialists and teachers on science of reading topics, best practices, and VALLSS. 

Readings - Articles and web pages for educators on teaching within the science of reading framework.

Recordings - Video recordings related to the VLA and evidence-based literacy instruction.

Short Videos - Short videos related to evidence-based literacy instruction.

Webinars - Recorded longer webinars from VDOE regarding VLA and evidence-based literacy instruction.

#isleREAD#isleWRITE Update


Your favorite ELA hub just got an update! :) Click here to see updated information about 

* our new curriculum, myView Literacy (HQIM)
* our new ELA standards
* new assessments for the next school year 
* updates regarding the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA)
* new information about reading intervention and student reading plans (SRP)
* professional learning opportunities and requirements
* information about Dyslexia
* and more! 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #12-HQIM


As we begin to use MyView's high quality instructional materials, let's remember to stay KALM. Here is what we are going to Keep and Add. Here is what we are going to do Less or More of. 

    1. Keep

      1. UFLI, Heggerty

      2. STAR 2-5

    2. Add

      1. VALLSS replaces PALS

      2. Skill based assessments from MyView

      3. Lexia (optional) K-5

        1. will be used by intervention 

    3. Less 

      1. School Pace Leveling 

      2. Conferencing 

      3. Freckle 

      4. Waterford 

    4. More 

      1. MyView Materials
    1. Waiting - We will wait and hold on to these resources because we are not sure how they can be used, yet.

      1. The Writing Revolution, Grammar Progression, SIM Strategy, Word Talk

Sunday, June 9, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #10-Small Group


While there will be no more readers conferences, that format will help you because your small groups will be flexible based on data. The data you will use to make decisions about instruction will be based on VALLSS, STAR Reading, and other MyView Assessments.

Small Groups do not mean Guided Reading either. The groups will be fluid based on data so that students get exactly what they need instructionally. Throughout the year, you will learn more about small groups and how they will be build around systematic, explicit instruction and incorporate lots of student practice followed by progress monitoring to ensure the instruction is working!

In the meantime, MyView provides a lot of options for small group. We will learn more about these resources and plan for small group with reading coaches and SpEd Inclusion teachers during weekly planning sessions.

* The TE (Teacher's Edition) has small group lessons that will support core instruction for students who need extra for the week's skills. Think of this as differentiation for core instruction for all students.

* The My Intervention Book also supports core instruction and is grouped by skill. Think of this as a tier 1 or 2 intervention.

* The Reading Routines Book has lessons to remediate specific Foundational Reading skills such as phonics, fluency, and vocabulary. Think of this as a tier 2 or 3 intervention.

Beyond MyView, there are two resources we can use to supplement small group instruction.

* UFLI Foundations

Thursday, June 6, 2024

VLA Roles and Responsibilities

I believe this. It's nice when people are clear with me so I know expectations! One way that I am trying to be as clear as possible is to be transparent with information. Like a student, I like to see what I am supposed to do before I have to do it. I like to see the rubric ahead of time to see how I am going to be evaluated. So, here are your responsibilities as a teacher before the VLA goes LIVE next school year! 

As you can see, you have responsibilities, but so do I. So does your Principal. So does your Reading Coach. It's helpful to see what everyone is supposed to be doing so we can "hold each other ABLE". This has a positive connotation rather than "hold each other accountable". #teamworkmakesthedreamwork

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #9-Planning and WalkThroughs

Change is hard. No matter what. And, there is always a flow in your response to the change.  

While you are gearing up for the change, you might be thinking, "What support will I get to help me navigate this change?"

As a division, we are doing all that we can to help manage the change and are planning to put supports in place for you. Phew! Right? 

VDOE has also provided some great supports for us to use. One of them is the Lesson Planning Cycle. I like to be clear and kind so that you know what to expect next year. 

There will be weekly planning sessions to learn more about the HQIM or curriculum (MyView). You will deliver those lessons to your studnets in your classroom. Non-evaluative walkthroughs will occur often and all year. Finally, feedback will be provided. Finally, while it's not represented in this image, there will be monthly PLC topics to learn more about how our new curriculum is designed with the science of reading. 

There will be training opportunities to learn how to implement our new MyView HQIM starting now, in August, and throughout the year. There will also be opportunities to plan with your school grade level teams on how to implement our new MyView HQIM. Plus, we are working on getting grade levels together mid year to do some collaborative planning. 

Finally, through the lesson planning cycle, walkthroughs, and feedback, coaching will happen just like it always has. We will have three main ways of coaching this year. The first will be more traditional based on the above mentioned cycle and/or training. The second will be more student centered coaching by using MyView's formative assessments or other data. And last, we will also do our best to honor teacher requests for coaching. Maybe you want to see something modeled or need a thinking partner.

The bottom line is, no matter what, we are here to support you through this change. You are not alone! :) 

To read more about the train, coach, plan pillars, click here

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #8-Overview of Program

Want to read the BEST overview? Check out this here.  
It will be in the middle of the page, first button to push. :) 
Have questions? Reach out! 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

MyView Learning Letter #7-Roadmap

 Who doesn't love a visual to see where we are headed and what's next?

I would love to highlight that I will hosting coffee chats in July at Cure to come and talk about our new MyVIEW HQIM. Come join me! 

Friday, May 17, 2024

VLA Professional Learning

As you can see, the VLA requires professional learning! Thankfully, if you have completed LETRS, you only have to complete the Capstone Course. If you have not completed LETRS, you will need to complete the K-5 Teachers Canvas Course. More information will be coming, but I wanted to at least, give you some information about professional learning expectations for the following school year.

 As always, let me know if you have questions! 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Virginia Literacy Act Playbook


Science of Reading

You may have heard the buzz about "Sold A Story", a podcast exposing the ineffectiveness of balanced literacy. If not, listen here

While it is a great listen, I believe in paradoxes. Two things can be true at the same time. According to Brene Brown, "A paradox is the appearance of a contradiction between two related components. ...the opposing elements are paradox are inextricably linked. Even though the elements are contradictory, they actually complement and inform each other in ways that allow us to discover underlying truths..." pg. 82. 

So, if you listen to "Sold a Story", also read The Broken Logic of "Sold a Story": A Personal Response to "The Science of Reading" by Thomas Newkirk found here (second link). 

Both/And is a powerful tool as you learn with curiosity and courage.