Monday, May 6, 2024

MyView FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions 

This blog post will be all about the questions most often asked and updated at least once a week. Newer questions will be posted at the top. 

Can we use resources like Flocabulary, Nearpod, Epic, Newsela, Scholastic, and/or Readworks?
We are only allowed to use core programs and supplemental resources that have been approved by VDOE. All things must be grounded in evidence based literacy instruction (EBLI) backed by science based reading research (SBRR).

This is directly from the HQIM Playbook, "The Virginia Literacy Act requires that all Virginia school systems must adopt HQIM for all k-5 classrooms no later than the 2024-25 school year. This shift requires all school leaders to assess current practices and ensure that the high-quality materials are selected, adopted, purchased and used. To this point, educators in VA have been accustomed to utilizing a blend of adopted school materials, their own homemade instructional resources, and lesson content from online sources like Pinterest or Teachers Pay Teachers. Moving forward, all schools and educators are being asked to exclusively use the HQIM adopted by their division. This means daily lessons must be grounded in adopted materials, and leaders should be able to walk through classrooms and see every teacher using the materials purchased. In literacy in particular, students need access to a curriculum that builds on a systematic sequence in foundational skills and builds coherently grade-to-grade on knowledge-building topics. There is a compelling body of evidence that shows that HQIM not only provides this coherent sequence but leads to better outcomes for students." (pg. 1) 

MyView has A LOT of resources and while it will be a year of trusting the core curriculum. If you find that you cannot find what you need, please email me or ask your reading coach and she will reach out to me. Share what you need and why you need it. 

Do we use Google Classroom or Canvas?
We will be using Canvas in grades 3-5.

Can I use my own texts instead of the ones in MyView?
For right now, we are going to stick with the novels and texts that MyView provides and in the next few weeks, we will learn more about those texts. The new standards now require text complexity. Please refer to the back of the standards, after grade 12 on page 105, for more information on how that works. They are attached. If you wanted to, I would look up the lexile level on the texts you want to use as a starting point. Then we can have further conversations. 

Will we be using any online programs? MyView has some online games, but we will not be using Freckle or Waterford. We will be using Lexia Power Up for intervention and that may require some classroom time on the program. More information will be coming. 

Will we get hard copies of the new standards? Yes! Will the new standards be printed into our new Teacher Editions? No. We are working on a correlation document. However, the new standards will be added to the digital versions online in December or January. 

When will we get our hands on hard copies of the materials? We should have them by the beginning of August. In the meantime, you can explore here:
2. Enter the credentials below
Username: myView2025EarlyReview
Password: Welcome!
NOTE: Password is case sensitive

How will students be leveled in reading? Actually, students will no longer be leveled. Instead, assessments will be given and skills will be identified as high, medium, or low risk. Then, small groups will be pulled based on the skills needed by students starting with those at high risk. This is similar to conferencing where we met with students who were emergency, then at-risk, then proficient. 

If we have small group time again, will I meet with every group, every day? No, and this is going to be a major shift that we will learn more about in the coming months. However, it will be similar to conferencing. Instead of pulling one student at a time, you may pull a small group. Not every student needs to be met every single day. 

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