Thursday, May 16, 2024

Science of Reading

You may have heard the buzz about "Sold A Story", a podcast exposing the ineffectiveness of balanced literacy. If not, listen here

While it is a great listen, I believe in paradoxes. Two things can be true at the same time. According to Brene Brown, "A paradox is the appearance of a contradiction between two related components. ...the opposing elements are paradox are inextricably linked. Even though the elements are contradictory, they actually complement and inform each other in ways that allow us to discover underlying truths..." pg. 82. 

So, if you listen to "Sold a Story", also read The Broken Logic of "Sold a Story": A Personal Response to "The Science of Reading" by Thomas Newkirk found here (second link). 

Both/And is a powerful tool as you learn with curiosity and courage. 

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